Monday, December 5, 2011

What to expect....

Well its finally happened. I have gathered the courage to start a blog to express all my feelings about the world around me. I tend to find comedic value in the things i see on a daily basis. Normally Sarah, my wife, is my test audience and gets bombarded with all my rants and musings on a daily basis. I think she is tired of it because she is supporting this venture, ha.

One of my favorite TV characters is George Castanza from the acclaimed sitcom, Seinfield. He often had his very own, very bizarre and unique views of the world. In a conversation about his newly donned hair piece with Jerry, Jerry asked what he was going to tell the girl he was going to see that night. George said he would "tell the truth", to which Jerry replied, "as you see it...", then George replies, " I see it."

Now I don't use this reference to say that I will take a Castanzian approach of lies and deceit. I use this to show that everyone has a way of looking at the world, and to each person their view, in the short term, seems very real and true. My contention is that the way I look at the world, is a little more "normal" than some people. I hope to commentate on the funny, bizarre, unusual things that most of us see on a daily basis, but don't really talk about all that often.

I hope any reader takes this for a COMEDIC COMMENTARY and not necessarily a soap box that I vault my opinion on pressing matters. However, this is all my opinion, and I do write these things because I DO think that what I say is true, otherwise, why would I waste my time...

More importantly I hope this can be a little bit of relief from someone's stressful or dull day. I love comedy and I want to bring it to all, so this may be my feeble attempt but I hope you enjoy it!

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